A life coach for women who are skeptical of life coaches.

Hi, I’m Lauren!

I’m half practical and half spiritual.

I am passionate about helping strong, independent, intelligent women stop feeling anxious, tap into their intuition, and create lives they truly love.

When women learn to love themselves on a profound level, we begin to dismantle the patriarchal structures that we live in and create a more loving and safe world for everyone. The more that women rise to their self-worth, the more positive systemic change we can create.

Using a mix of data-driven mindset tools with the esoteric power of astrology and human design, I help my clients come home to themselves.



  • “You can if you think you can…
    Your thoughts are generated by patterns, internalized messaging, old wounds and stories, and the familiar and societal systems you live inside of. We create our lives from our unconscious and conscious thoughts and beliefs. I work with clients to consciously unpack our thoughts and belief systems and choose thoughts that are in service of our dreams. Your thoughts create your reality. 

  • You don’t need more training, another degree, or to be “more”, “better”, or “different” in any way to get the things you want in life. You don’t need to change a single thing to be worthy of your desires. 

  • Life is designed to be an adventure to go on, not a trial to be endured. So many of us were taught that life was a series of making the “right” or “wrong” choices. I believe that there are no wrong choices, there are simply opportunities

  • You are inherently worthy of your dream life.



  • Mindset COACHING

    Our thoughts shape our reality. In this three-month coaching container, we will work together to identify your limiting beliefs, use somatic tools to help you connect to your body and intuition, and level up in every area of your life. A true transformational coaching experience.

  • Career Coaching

    Many of the women I work with yearn to leave their current work and find something they are passionate about. In this coaching container, we work together to put you on a new path towards a life and career you genuinely love.

  • Leadership Coaching

    Many leaders do not have a champion in their corner to help them step into the kind of leader that they truly want to be. In leadership coaching we will address both personal and business goals to help you feel more confident, calm, and boundaried in your work life.

  • Natal chart readings

    As a woo-woo, ex-evangelical, I love using the stars to help my clients navigate their days. A natal chart reading is an amazing start to your self-discovery journey!

A life coach for women who are skeptical of life coaches.