Quantum Leap year: a how to guide

Everything I'm doing to create a radical shift in my life:

A Quantum Leap Year is when you CREATE a dramatic shift in your reality over the course of a year. AKA, you move from one reality into another reality. 


Inspired by Kathrin Zenkina (@manifestationbabe), I am claiming 2024 as my quantum leap year. Listen to Kathrin's podcast which goes deep into her quantum leap journey here


My life is going to look RADICALLY different next January - (stay tuned to watch how it unfolds!)


The two primary theories of my Quantum Leap experiment are as follows: 


  1. By starting to embody the woman who has everything I want before I have it, I speed up the process of getting it. 

  2. I can’t create a new reality from the same mindset, habits, and patterns. I will build on the strong foundation that I’ve started, but by taking new actions, I create a new reality. 

Blasting off into a whole new reality

Here are the action steps I'm currently taking to move me towards this new reality:

1) Make the decision.

When you decide, claim, and declare that you're ready for change, the universe conspires in your favor to make that happen. But first, you have to decide. 

2) Retrain your brain for abundance.

  • I listen to a mindset podcast or book every single day. I've already done a TON of mindset work, but I am doubling down on my efforts to retrain my mind - because I know that my mindset shapes my reality). I am making my way through the Manifestation Babe podcast archives, finishing up listening to the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles and listening to this recording from Earl Nightingale called "The Strangest Secret" on YouTube (I got this one from Manifestation Babe). 

  • I am listening to subliminal wealth affirmations while I sleep (I'm not playing around here, y'all. (Also got this idea from Manifestation Babe!)

  • Self-coaching and working with a coach. I am always working to uplevel my mind, and in my experience, I'm able to do it so much faster when I am working with a coach. 

2) Meditation daily. 
This is not a practice I'm used to doing daily, but I am making it a priority during this quantum leap year. The more I meditate, the more I will hear my intuition. The more I listen to my intuition, the more I will speed up my transformation. I use Insight Timer and do mindfulness meditation. 

3) New actions. 

To get radical change, I need to take radical action. I invested in a marketing partner for my business, and I am trying things I never have before. New actions: new results. 

4) Nervous System Regulation 

Building a new reality requires a lot of you. It can be stressful, frustrating, and scary. If your nervous system (your body) isn't calm, you end up pushing away the things that you want. When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I immediately go into practice to calm myself down. This can look like calling a friend, doing deep breathing, meditating, or moving my body. This is a non-negogiable. 

5) Having FUN. 

When we are in fun and in pleasure, we are more creative, better problem solvers, and more magnetic. Stress = not magnetic. Fun = magnetic AF. The more fun I have, the more money I make! 

If you want a Quantum leap year, try these things out and let me know how things shift for you! 

If you want to speed up your journey to the life you want, grab one of my Get Unstuck Coaching Sessions:

In this session, we will:

  • Get deep into your birth chart to discover what is impacting you cosmically  

  • Uncover what mindset blocks are keeping you stuck 

  • Install new mindsets/behaviors/beliefs that will get you what you want

  • Create a game plan for moving forward with your new mindset

#yolo #createthelifeyouwant 

I love you!


Juicy full moon in capricorn


Everything is made up!