1:1 transformational coaching

Welcome home to the authentic you

In 1:1 coaching, we carefully dismantle your old stories, patterns, and beliefs that have kept you playing small, kept you stuck, and kept you in the same place. You’ll give yourself permission to explore your biggest dreams, returning to your authentic, alive, and truest version of you. 

create the life you truly desire.

1:1 coaching is an opportunity to radically shift into your highest self.

In 1:1 coaching we will

  • Unpack your limiting beliefs with love and create new pathways forward without these patterns that have kept you stuck.

  • Create the foundation for radical and profound change by creating new neural pathways and nervous system resilience

  • Use your unique birth chart and human design as a guide to fully understand who you’re here on this planet to become and how you are designed to live.

    i have a mission to help every woman to know how deeply worthy and divine they are. I am here to help you step into your favorite self.

    What could change for you if you finally addressed that thing that you know you need to deal with but have been putting off? That part of you that knows you are destined for more but feels stuck and unsure how to change or move forward? That part of you that’s afraid of change but has a sprinkle of belief that knows that things could be better, more vibrant, more alive, and more - YOU? What if you broke your own patterns once and for all?

    Imagine how it will feel to end these old patterns and to rise into your fullest most alive, joyous, vibrant self. Right now. Breathe it in.

    In this coaching package, we explore and practice:

    • Mindset mastery - when we change the way we think - everything transforms around us.

    • Nervous system healing - the body holds so much wisdom and to create lasting change, we have to truly embody the new way of be-ing.

    • Your unique energetic (Astrological and Human Design) blueprint

    • Pattern recognition and pattern re-programming. We get stuck in patterns, behaviors, and habits because of well-worn neural pathways. When we identify patterns we don’t want to be in, we can begin to change them.

    • Connecting to our highest, most favorite self - not the version of you that you’ve been programmed to be by your family, society, culture, or capitalism.

    • Stepping into your full ALIVE-NESS. You didn’t come here just to be fine. You came here to create a life you LOVE.

    The package includes (+ more):

    • Weekly coaching sessions over three months

    • Video messaging support between calls

    • Text support between calls

    • Pre & Post-package support assignments (individually curated)

    • Between-session support assignments (individually curated)

    • A deep dive into your Natal Chart and Human Design

    You’ll take away (and more):

    • A transformed relationship with yourself

    • A clear path forward towards the embodiment of the women you desire to become

    • A uniquely curated toolbox of practices to support your continued growth

    • New ways of relating to yourself (and others!) with compassion, clarity, and confidence

    • The confidence of knowing that you can create anything you desire (this is the #1 thing my clients say they walk away with!)

    email me 


  • Absolutely. Most of my clients pay monthly, but we can break this up into smaller payments. I don’t want funding to be the reason you don’t choose to do this work. For extended payment plans, email hello@laurenkester.com

  • This is for anyone who feels ready to do the deep work and to take an honest look at their thoughts, patterns and behaviors. This is for you if you’re READY for change. If you’re not ready, totally cool. I’ll be here when you are.

What my clients are saying

  • "She has profoundly shifted my outlook on life"

    "My whole life! Imposter syndrome is something I have felt I’ve had or identified with my entire 15+ years of working. Every time I had something major to do or present on I would get so in my head and let imposter syndrome take over. Lauren completely shredded that misconception that I had and helped me rewrite that story. It has been 6 weeks since that breakthrough and I feel like a completely different person. I am asking for more ways to be in the spotlight and take on more projects at work, something I would not have done prior to Lauren. She has profoundly shifted my outlook on life, especially on my career, an area of big importance to me."

    - Stefanie Grodinsky, NYC

  • "I’ve spent so much money working with professionals who haven’t helped me as much as Lauren has!!"

    I’ve spent so much money on therapists and coaches, but Lauren is the ONLY one who has lovingly called out my black-and-white thinking. I am so grateful - I’ve spent so much money working with professionals who haven’t helped me as much as she has! I have grown SO much and I can’t tell you how much she has helped me! It feels so good to see such tangible growth.

    Laura Morrissey - Flagstaff, AZ

  • "I have a completely different life now than I did 3-4 months ago."

    Coaching helped me to recognize the tangible value in choosing myself. I was always making excuses to myself around spending the money or dedicating the time, but those are small investments for huge returns. I have a completely different life now than I did 3-4 months ago.

    - Christina Petteneo - Los Angeles, CA


For extended payment plans - email hello@laurenkester.com.