My Favorite tool for processing Anger

Anger can be a hard emotion to sit with. A lot of women bypass their anger because they are uncomfortable feeling it. We "should" on ourselves by saying things like "I should let this go." or "I shouldn't feel this way." Instead of feeling it, we push it down and save it for another day. 

First things first: your anger is sacred. It's perfectly acceptable to feel angry, and it is even acceptable to express it. It's healthy!

Second things second: feeling your anger is the fastest way to move through it. 

Rage Writing is one of my favorite practices for letting yourself feel anger so you can let it go. 

Directions for rage writing:

  • Grab a jounal and a pen

  • Set a timer for 20 minutes. 

  • Write about everything you're angry about for 20 minutes. Don't filter yourself, let it ALL out

  • When the timer goes off, either put the journal away, or tear the pages up 

Giving yourself a timer allows you to feel the feelings and process them, without getting overwhelmed by them. 

I first heard of this practice from Gabby Bernstein. It’s based on the teachings of Dr. John Sarno who teaches about the mind-body connection. This tool served me and my clients greatly. I hope it serves you, too! 



Surrendering to the Universe