The astrology of 2024

I was recently invited to be on a podcast called The Holistic Monitor to go into the themes of 2024. 

<< Check it out here!>> 

I am optimistic about the year ahead, although EXTREMELY CURIOUS how the 2024 election season is going to shape up. 

The biggest news of all of 2024 is that Pluto will be moving into Aquarius, just in time for the Aquarius season. Pluto is the planet of transformation, dying to ourselves and being reborn, power, and renewal. 

Aquarius is a visionary sign that cares about the collective (we before me), it rules technology and innovation, and it's an independent sign that cares about being unique and being of service.

Pluto will move back into Aquarius on January 20th, and I think we will all feel a shift when it comes to power dynamics in the collective, and what I am most optimistic about is that Pluto in Aquarius is an invitation to think more about being in a society as a whole than just thinking solely of ourselves. 

Pluto first moved into Aquarius last March, and the retrograded back into Capricorn for the rest of 2023. To get a glimpse of how this transit will impact you, think about what was going on for you last March. Were there any major shifts?

My readers with Aquarius placements (especially sun, moon, or rising) will feel this shift profoundly, and if you have prominent fixed sign placements, you may feel it as well. Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) To find out where this will be impacting you directly - book a year ahead reading! 

When Pluto changes signs, it is truly a closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. Since this shift is happening near the beginning of the year, I think it is a great time to decide how we want to move forward. 

How do we want to stand in our power?

How can I use this potent energy to help me transform? 

What am I ready to leave behind in 2023?

As we move forward through the rest of 2024, the eclipse seasons we experience will be on the Aries/Libra axis, again asking us to let go of our people-pleasing, codependence, and over giving, and into a state if independence/interdependence where we bravely move towards our goals and desires. 

We started this eclipse cycle last July, and it will continue into January 2025. My Aries/Libra risings - let me know how you're doing with this! 

If you want to know how to navigate these energies, book your year ahead reading and learn how these energies will impact you directly! 


Everything is made up!
